
Please click on the links below to access directly the websites for these organisations:

RICS - (Royal Institution of Chartered Surveyors)

CAAV - (Central Association of Agricultural Valuers)

ARLA - (Association of Residential Lettings Agents)

NFU - (National Farmers Union)

LAA - (Livestock Auctioneers' Association)

CLA - (Country Landowners Association)

TFA - (Tenant Farmers Association)

DEFRA - (Department for Environment, Food & Rural Affairs)

RPA - (Rural Payments Agency)

BCMS - (British Cattle Movements Service)

BVA - (British Veterinary Association)

Red Tractor - (Red Tractor Assurance)

Natural England - To conserve and enhance the natural environment

AHDB - For the English Beef & Sheep Industry

AHDB Pork - Representing Pig Levy Payers in England

AHDB Dairy - For Milk Production in Great Britain

AHDB Potatoes - (The Potato Council)

AHDB Horticulture - (Horticultural Development)

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