Call for Sites

Peterborough City Council - New Local Plan

Peterborough City Council have started preparations for a full update to their Local Plan setting out how the city will grow over future decades. The new Local Plan will set out an overarching approach to development in Peterborough and aims to deliver on many of the issues facing the local area at present.


As part of the Local Plan Review, a Call for Sites exercise is taking place inviting landowners to submit sites of potential interest to these sectors, these include:


  • Residential such as housing (market and affordable), specialist homes, self-builds, moorings etc.)
  • Commercial (such as employment, retail, commercial leisure, logistics and distribution etc.)
  • Infrastructure (such as education, health facilities, transport hubs, renewable energy etc.)
  • Open space (such as sports and recreation parks, biodiversity gain, flood mitigation and travelling showpeople site)


The Call for Sites runs until 15th September 2023.


For sites to be included in the Local Plan they must be capable of delivering 10 or more dwellings or for sites of economic development and commercial sites, a size of 0.25 hectares (or 500 square metres of floor space). We will be submitting sites on behalf of landowners to this process, along with supporting information and if you should have any land which you feel should be promoted through this Local Plan Review then please contact a member of the Planning and Development Team and we will be happy to assist you.

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Land at Thurleigh Bedfordshire - Lot 1

Guide Price: £1,050,000

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