July Ponderings 2023

July Professional Ponderings

The Agricultural Team are currently busy with a number of tasks including, land sales, FBT tenders and Countryside Stewardship applications. The deadline for Mid-Tier Countryside Stewardship applications is 18th August 2023, so if you are looking to enter into a new Countryside Stewardship Agreement, please do get in touch with a member of the Agricultural Team as soon as possible.


It is worth noting that, if your existing Countryside Stewardship agreement ends as at 31st December 2023, you will not be offered an agreement extension (“Mirror Agreement”) as has been done in previous years. You will need to make a new application, even where you do not wish to make changes to your agreement. We are informed by DEFRA that 2023 is the last year to apply for Countryside Stewardship in its current form, and from 2024 “Countryside Stewardship Plus” will be launched. The finer detail on this scheme is not yet confirmed, however the rhetoric has very much been focused on local nature recovery, and providing additional environmental benefits than are already generated by the farm ecosystem.


No doubt you have all read in the Farming Press that DEFRA have made some much-anticipated announcements on the next phase of Sustainable Farming Incentive (SFI). We are told that applications for this will not open until August, although a full detailed manual is now available. SFI agreements will commence throughout the year on a monthly basis, which could help businesses with much needed cashflow. SFI can be used on its own, or alongside existing Countryside Stewardship Agreements for grassland, mixed and arable systems. If you would like to discuss the specifics of the new 3-year agreements under SFI, please speak to Grace Millbank or Rob Russell on 01832 732241.


Finally, a reminder that the Annual Health and Welfare Review of Livestock Scheme remains open for applications. This scheme is part of the SFI and so long as you are eligible for Basic Payment Scheme in 2023, and have the required number of livestock, you can apply for a funded vet visit to review matters such as lameness, use of wormers and testing for BVD in cattle. The minimum livestock numbers are:


11 cattle (dairy or beef)

21 sheep

51 pigs


Annual Health and Welfare Review of Livestock applications are done via a simplified online system, and if you wish to discuss this further, please do get in touch with a member of either the Agricultural or Auctions Team.


As combines will no doubt start to roll out in the coming weeks, I’m sure all of these matters will get pushed to the back of your mind, so if you are considering either a Countryside Stewardship or Sustainable Farming Incentive application, please do contact the Agricultural Team as soon as possible.


Finally, as you may have seen, the Agricultural Team have recently launched for sale two farms, namely Rectory Farm, Tibberton, Worcestershire, and Oakhurst Farm, Eye, Cambridgeshire. Over the coming weeks, we shall be launching a number of other agricultural properties, from paddocks to blocks of commercial arable land. If you’re looking to purchase land, please register your search requirements with us. Alternatively, if you’re looking to sell, please do contact the Agricultural Team for a discreet confidential discussion, as we do have a register of people looking to buy.


Wishing you all a safe and successful harvest.


Grace Millbank

Agricultural - Rural Chartered Surveyor 

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