Sustainable Farming Incentive

Sustainable Farming Incentive

2023 is the last year of BPS.  De-linked payment will be available to those that are eligible for years 2023-2027. Mitigating the loss of the BPS income may future proof your business. There are various schemes and grants available to farmers which may help replace this. The Sustainable Farming Incentive (SFI) is due to be launched for applications in August 2023. This scheme may offer some additional income to soften the loss of BPS. This is a 3-year scheme aimed at both arable and grass land. There is a list of 23 actions to choose from, each action has a different objective and payment rate. Farmers can choose the options that suit their holding as long as the land type is eligible for that option.


CS Mid-Tier Capital Grants

You may wish to improve your holding by erecting new fencing, renewing concrete in yards, or planting new hedges. Under the Countryside Stewardship Mid-Tier scheme grant money may be available to you to complete the actions you wish to undertake.


Please contact a member of the Agricultural team for more information on 01832 732241


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